Friday, May 23, 2008

Google penalizes popular sites

It appears that Google may have a new system to rank websites on the popular search engine.
It seems that once popular websites that have ranked at the number one spot for years are now down to number six and below. Why? These popular websites have been frontrunners in their niche market for what can only seem like an eternity. They are getting the exact same amount of traffic if not more by other means, so why ahs their position dropped so rapidly?
None knows for sure why the websites have reported a massive slump in the search engine. There are a couple of reasons why this may have happened to the longer standing websites.
1. Google may have started analyzing usage data when looking at the rankings
2. Google may now have a better understanding and reasoning of keywords and specific key phrases within content
If it is indeed the usage data that is the main reason for the drop in the rankings, then websites that have a higher click in rate would naturally rank higher in the search engine. As I mentioned before, websites that are still enjoying traffic and lots of it every day are still reporting being down ranked.
So it can’t be the usage data that Google are now looking at. This new penalty on websites seems to also be affecting websites that have a good title and descriptions, and contain decent keywords.
That only leaves us with the keywords and the key phrases within the content of the once popular websites. From what can be found, it is more likely that these websites contain too many inbound links that use the exact same keyword. They were then affected by Google’s filter to find unique and original material.
When you write content for your website and build links to and from your web pages, make sure they don’t just use the one keyword or key phrase. To be noticed by the search engines you need constant and unique text. If you keep using the same keywords over and over and never having any variation, then Google may see manipulation within the text.
So if you have a car insurance website and you specialize in young drivers insurance, don’t just over use this key phrase. Use other phrases such as car insurance, car insurance for the young, young person’s insurance and so on. You are more likely to rank higher this way than by using the same phrase or word over and over. Google will see your website as being specific to that topic because of the unique and relevant keywords.

Original Article by Sarah Folgea from Ace Internet Marketing

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