Saturday, May 31, 2008

Can Something Be Done to Stop Negative Spamming on Your Website?

If you are a Webmaster or manage websites, you might have experienced the effects of yet another spam technique negatively impacting your site called Negative SEO. It is used by competitors with a moral compass set off course who purposely use spam to get other websites in trouble. Although there is nothing technically that you can do to stop them, there is something that can be done.

Search engines such as Google need to put an end to this unethical practice. It was previously thought that the search engines were monitoring and controlling the situation, but after doing some research; I do not think this is so. While the practice is not universal, it can potentially do a lot of harm to marketers who are ethical and conducting an honest business.

The problems associated with spam are not new to the world of cyberspace. Spam has been around for a while, and just like anything, crafty spammers find a way to constantly reinvent it. By using techniques such as duplicate content, fake blogs, phony sites and other such acts, spammers have marred the search engines creditability.

Although Google has made strides to penalize spammers, there is still much more that needs to be done. We need to get them to stop allowing this to occur. One of the problems with this is that you could be the one being punished by Google because they remove links and sites associated with creating spam and fake links. By the time you may realize what is going on, the damage can already be done. Your rankings start dropping and you don’t know what links are affected.

Before this becomes an epidemic and hits your website, we need to take action. There are a couple of things that could possibly work if we can convince search engines to enact them. One idea would be that you have the ability to refuse links. Marketers need to have the right to refuse spam links and view new links that are up for posting on their sites. As a direct correlation, search engines would then have to update their algorithms to allow this to work. Another idea would be that search engines create a RSS feed or some type of interface that allows website owners to be able to view new links and not allow the ones that could potentially be spam.

Whatever we can do to stop this, we need to enlist the help of the search engines. This problem needs to be rectified before it spreads like wild fire. There is not an easy solution to this, convincing Google and other search engines that they need to do the extra effort to help us website owners out could be challenging. No one wants to do more work, but those of us who are honest marketers don’t deserve to be targeted. If we all do a part in preventing this, we can work together to find a solution.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Site-links from Google

What are Site links
In case your wondering what Site Links are, they are the additional supplementary links under the main domain name, in the search engine results pages or SERP's, they are often displayed for a brand search.

How can i get site links?

If you are looking for a way to incorporate the use of site links for your website, you need to know a couple basic facts. What are site-links and how can they benefit webmasters?

Let’s start off with the first question.
Site-links are described being a collection of different links which show up right below results for a website after doing a search. They offer users links to additional pages of a website. Google uses an algorithm that randomly chooses the different links.

Secondly, how can they be used to improve your website?

They can add a lot to your website if you have the right keywords and ranking. Site-links can appear for search words that are general. If the search is for something more specific, they will not appear. It is also important to note that Google will only add links that are on your main webpage as links. These links should use either a descriptive text kind of link, or an IMG-ALT image kind of link. It is not advised to use Flash or Java links when considering site-links.

If you are wondering how to get these added to your website, here are four criteria that you need to have on your website to be considered for the use of site-links:

1. Your website has to be the number one stable ranked website for a given search-word. This is important because not being ranked first on a consistent basis can deter your site from being able to use site-links. Google tends not to use site-links for those sites.

2. Make sure your website has been around for at least two years. If your website is brand new to the Internet, it most likely will not make the cut. It seems that Google much prefers older, established websites than new ones.

3. Your website has to receive a lot of clicks for a particular keyword.
The keyword also needs to be a well-used keyword that gets a lot of hits.
If your website does not get a lot of hits from a particular search word, it most likely wont be considered as use for a site-link.

4. It is also important to know that site-links seem to show up for only main search-words for a website. Know that it will not be used for all of different search-words that a website may have.

Your website may be considered for site-links if it can meet those four key elements. If you are wondering if your website is right for the use of site-links, consider that they can be very nice to have as an addition, but remember that they will most likely not appear for multiple word searches. They only seem to be used for single word searches that use major keywords. Searches with more than one word are typically not used. For that reason, you need to determine what keywords and what rating you have for keywords in order to make your decision on site-links.

Original Article by bhrat from ace internet marketing

SEO and social networking

Think of any topic and you'll probably find a group online with express views, news, and gossip on this topic. Gossip? Yes, of course, when two people meet don’t you gossip, just to get over the boredom? You do.

Just as office parties with clients, meetings of chambers of commerce, specialist institutions like that of mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, and so on, there are today available on the internet a much, much larger, which defies imagination, audience you can reach out to get news, views, problems, solutions, experiences all for the asking. Your profile has to be perfect. And you should be very going with your words.. and not point direct to your website. A hint here or there like “You know, folks, I went for a walk, yesterday, and guess what I saw?” It’s all here (put in your web link). Something like that.

Since there are so many of these social websites, obviously the networking is of a very high order, given the size of the participants in that website, blog, or what have you. Just as in any fraternity meeting apart from catching up with your old friends, you make new ones, and learn much more from these sites. And you contribute your learning, adding to the fund of knowledge to which that website you are a member.

So how many should you sign up for? Since it’s all free, the impulse is to sign in to as many as you can. And since you provide a mail id, you find that when you waken up and open your system, there is a string of notices, and mails from ALL of these sites you signed up for! And by the time you even scan all of them, half your day is gone! Did you bargain for that? No.

If you are a newcomer, yes, of course, you might be tempted to see each and then decide what to stay in and stay out of. Even those who are experienced in these website signs-up, forget to log on, thus earning themselves a bad name. It works just like the party your neighbor threw, and you said you would come, but didn’t turn up! Well, he is going to ignore you when you ask him to come over. It’s the same on the net social group.

When you sign up, and you should choose those you want to, you must see to it that you are at least visible fairly often. Fairly often is difficult to define. I would put it this way. If I get two invites from the same person, I would at least make it to one, and then, take the second set of invite and show up. And yes, you contribute to the conversation at the party. So too it is on the social site. You can see the signs posted, the problems posted, the answers given, and the chats taking place in the Lounge. You should sign in, and if you know a better way of solving a problem, contribute your penny. It does not matter whether it is taken or not. Contributing to the site is an important signpost for the others that you are a serious participant, and you can ease into the gang, as they say.

The rules are the same as in personal gatherings. The more you are seen, the more people recognize you and more recognition mean better recall when you need it most. If you are a techie, there are chances that the buzz you are moving with in the social site, you may land up getting a better look at your abilities. And if you are good, well, then, certainly, the gossip mill is going to work overtime in your favor. And if you don’t do well, then… you can guess there will be silence, until someone asks “hey Paul, how did Joe solve that problem?”

So be prepared for that as well.

Choose sites you really belong to, whether in terms of skills set or social set, and above all whether it suits your personality.

As for the ones you don’t want to continue, well, you should write to them politely pulling the plug. That will always be appreciated. Remember just as you are a member of three/four or whatever you can handle, others too are likely to be there also. So it’s best to clean and clear.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Yahoo! Buzz Enters

World to Enhance Web Content
Yahoo! Inc. has set up the new Yahoo! Buzz as part of its system. Yahoo! Buzz is meant to assist consumers, advertisers and publishers alike by allowing them to read the popular and news-worthy stories that it places on its home page.

Yahoo! Buzz functions by looking at common search input and consumer votes to see which are the most timely and interesting stories plus videos that various websites feature, and then posts these on its home page.

Yahoo! has put up Yahoo! Buzz only in beta form for now. The stories and videos it features can be sourced from the major news agencies plus any niche blogs that exist online. To be accepted as feature placement for, the best stories have to meet editorial consideration guidelines.

Yahoo! believes that Yahoo! Buzz will help publishers to impart pertinent content plus serve more advertisers and consumers across a more vast and varied audience spectrum. If any member of the public would like to contribute stories sourced from Yahoo! Buzz for any social news sites, Yahoo! will permit it. Such sites could be StumbleUpon, Reddit, Propeller, Facebook, or Digg (among many other possible social news sites.)

The range of content that Yahoo! Buzz can feature may include intriguing blog posts, interesting images or videos, a news-worthy news event, or anything that can catch the attention of the public. The point is to assist publishers in supplying excellent content to the many people who visit Yahoo!

In the end, Yahoo! Buzz is expected to help lay the foundations for a dynamic ecosystem composed of consumers, advertisers and publishers when it is fully-operational and accessible by the public. The Web content when collected, posted and accessed should make the Internet world a richer, more intriguing place for everyone to visit, talk about, and interact about.

Yahoo! itself saw its shares reduced by $0.29 (equal to 1.02%) to $28.13 during the regular trading done on Monday. Volume then was at $41.15 million shares. But when after-hours trading resumed, Yahoo! found its shares go up by $0.15 to be traded in the $28.28 level. This was the news posted on February 26, 2008 on Tuesday.

Original Article by Sarah Folgea from Ace Internet Marketing

Google penalizes popular sites

It appears that Google may have a new system to rank websites on the popular search engine.
It seems that once popular websites that have ranked at the number one spot for years are now down to number six and below. Why? These popular websites have been frontrunners in their niche market for what can only seem like an eternity. They are getting the exact same amount of traffic if not more by other means, so why ahs their position dropped so rapidly?
None knows for sure why the websites have reported a massive slump in the search engine. There are a couple of reasons why this may have happened to the longer standing websites.
1. Google may have started analyzing usage data when looking at the rankings
2. Google may now have a better understanding and reasoning of keywords and specific key phrases within content
If it is indeed the usage data that is the main reason for the drop in the rankings, then websites that have a higher click in rate would naturally rank higher in the search engine. As I mentioned before, websites that are still enjoying traffic and lots of it every day are still reporting being down ranked.
So it can’t be the usage data that Google are now looking at. This new penalty on websites seems to also be affecting websites that have a good title and descriptions, and contain decent keywords.
That only leaves us with the keywords and the key phrases within the content of the once popular websites. From what can be found, it is more likely that these websites contain too many inbound links that use the exact same keyword. They were then affected by Google’s filter to find unique and original material.
When you write content for your website and build links to and from your web pages, make sure they don’t just use the one keyword or key phrase. To be noticed by the search engines you need constant and unique text. If you keep using the same keywords over and over and never having any variation, then Google may see manipulation within the text.
So if you have a car insurance website and you specialize in young drivers insurance, don’t just over use this key phrase. Use other phrases such as car insurance, car insurance for the young, young person’s insurance and so on. You are more likely to rank higher this way than by using the same phrase or word over and over. Google will see your website as being specific to that topic because of the unique and relevant keywords.

Original Article by Sarah Folgea from Ace Internet Marketing

Google cracking down on duplicate content

Google wants its top ten searches to display different but relevant information to the searcher. This is rather than ten listings of the exact same information. Google has a new application that enables them to find duplicate or very close to web pages.
There are many reasons though why content may be duplicating of another. It could be a perfectly good and legitimate reason, or it could be plagiarism. The patent application from Google is trying to find duplicate material at different places rather than in the same place. Google may bring together many different methods that they already use separately.
Here are 5 reasons that content could be duplicated in the search engines:
• The information you are trying to view could be available in other formats such as a web page, a PDF document and so on.
• The information you are trying to view may have been syndicated. The same company or person may have a blog and a website and have the same information on both.
• The information may be listed under different locations on the same website.
• The owner of the website may have a ‘mirrored’ website, so not to slow down loading times for other users.
• Another web user has plagiarized the material for use on another website that does not belong to the copyright owner.
The patent that Google have produced shows that Google want to try and combat plagiarism and duplicate content for the better. And this new way forward is only one way that Google want to fight against plagiarism.
There is no telling what Google will do if they do find duplicate content via their patent application. As mentioned above, there are many reasons that duplicate content is used and used by the copyright owner.
Google must be careful when removing duplicate web pages from the listings as they may remove the wrong one, so what does this mean for your website? Google will more than likely pick the website that has the best reputation on the internet, they may also look at the in and outbound links attached to the best website.
There is only one way to truly combat this affecting you and your website. That is to have completely unique and individual content. The more unique content you have on your website that centers on certain keywords, the more visitors you will get to your site.
This is a positive step forward for all website owners that are worried about plagiarism. Make your website original and keep a good reputation and you will prosper.

Original Article by Sarah Folgea from Ace Internet Marketing


Google is trying hard to fight against the practice of cloaking – this is the practice of using different web page content for crawling by a search engine spider from that which ordinary Internet users will see when they do an online search. Cloaking is thus a type of Black Hat SEO (Search Engine Optimization) technique that certain ecommerce companies use to get better rankings on a search engine. But regardless of whether the ecommerce company guilty of cloaking is a small enterprise or a major corporation, Google is strictly against the practice and will eliminate such violators from its search engine index.
The funny thing about companies that opt to resort to cloaking is that eventually they will be found out anyway, so the practice of cloaking is rather short-sighted actually. All the principal search engines have an anti-cloaking policy in their online use guidelines. For a website owner to resort to cloaking means he is willing to risk being banned from being posted on future search results after being caught doing cloaking.
To do cloaking, the devious website has to figure out whether a user who is asking about a certain web page is an Internet user or a search engine spider, based on which IP address is being used or who is the User-Agent of the user. The devious website that thinks the user is a search engine spider will then use a server script to supply a different type of web page, specifically to fool search engine spiders.
To determine if a website is resorting to cloaking, Google will either do a manual check or use algorithms. Either way, Google can still detect the so-called undetectable cloaking some companies resort to. If you do get tempted to resort to cloaking, bear in mind that you only benefit in the short term that way – if you get caught, your site will never be able to return to the search engine search results afterwards.
Ethical or White Hat SEO methods are always better to use to derive positive results, especially since search engines don’t appreciate any attempts to manipulate them.
Another practice that Google frowns upon is the purchase and sale of links by certain webmasters. These webmasters do this to try to manipulate rankings on search engines like Google, which prompts Google to secure its index quality by enforcing Google webmaster guidelines.
Lately, Google has been trying out new voting features for Google search results, which resemble those on Digg. This development may permit users to eventually vote up or just bury whatever search results crop up. But Google has not decided whether to extend the practice beyond the experimental period lasting a certain number of weeks.
Google will be analyzing the year 2007 search patterns to find out what new interesting changes in the global cultural system are occurring.
For one thing, it seems that companies need to understand who are the types of people who are inclined to click on their ads, since companies are placing more importance on ad revenues to boost their profit margin. This is happening as less people are clicking on the ads nowadays.
Google has also observed that there are less active spammers nowadays due to less spam mail being sent to the Gmail system in 2007. This may mean that the efficient spam filters of Google have helped frustrate spammers to a great degree.

Original Article by Sarah Folgea from Ace Internet Marketing

Building Traffic to Your Website with Search Engine Optimization

Ace internet marketing offer a wide range of services including Search engine optimization.

Search engine optimization refers to the process of increasing a website’s search engine ranking enabled by the relevant search terms that the people are most likely to key in to get what they are looking for. Search engine optimization, better known as SEO, understandably the higher you rank the more traffic you have to your website. The objective is to be featured among the top 20 search results, because seldom do people go beyond this number for finding what they need.

Most people are of the opinion that search engine optimization for improving their search engine rankings is beyond their capabilities, being a highly skilled task that demands a great deal of effort and time. Wrong! True, increasing the search engine ranking in competitive sectors is daunting, but since most websites are not within these competitive sectors, higher rankings can be achieved by simply applying the basics of search engine optimization. And trust me, it only takes half an hour to do it. This article puts down the search engine optimization basics knowing which you can build more traffic to your website.

Link structure within the website

An obvious aspect of search engine optimization, which is often overlooked, is ensuring that the search engine spiders are able to “crawl” through each of the pages within your website. It they can’t find your links, the search engine will not get you indexed and no amount of search engine optimization will be able to help you. Avoid using JavaScript for the links and use small numbers in them. Also make sure that every page within your website is related to at least another and reinforce each link by organizing them so that sub-topics are linked with the topic pages with the most appropriate link texts. Once you have accomplished this, rest assured of half the job being done.

Off-page elements

Link texts are one of the two most important aspects in securing good rankings in the search engines. You can place the link text either on pages within the website or on other sites as well. Including the webpage’s primary search item in the link text is important. However, try to include different link texts for every link that connects to a particular page. Remember that links influence even more if the text about them relates to the pages’ topics, thereby the search items.

On-page elements

Title tag – Next of the two most important aspects of search engine optimization and securing a good search engine ranking is to ensure that the pages’ search terms are well embedded in the tag. Use different search terms for each webpage.

Description tag – Although some search engines do not display the description tags, some do and including a description tag, therefore, is necessary. The best practice here is to place the description twice, if not more – once at the beginning and once later on.

H tag – H tags are calculated in a scale of 1 to 6 and the bigger the H tag the more weight it obtains. Including a search term in the heading, therefore, is extremely effective in securing a higher ranking in the search results. Placing the very first H tag as near to the top is also an effective search engine optimization technique.

Text ¬– Use the relevant search terms within the website’s content as many times as possible, without affecting its readability. Including a search term near the beginning of the content is what many search engine optimization experts will profess and having the search terms in bold will add more weight to it. However, the primary concern here is to represent the search terms well within the text or some search engines may penalize you for filler content production.

Follow these search engine optimization basics and I an sure they will help you generate more traffic to your website in no time.

For further information on any aspect of Internet marketing
you can contact ace internet marketing.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Top Internet Marketing Specialist

Derrick Harper, a veteran of Internet Marketing technologies for thirteen year and top ranked Global Resorts Network educator reveals secrets to launching and nurturing your own GRN home based travel business.

He was invited to speak about Internet Marketing along side of Al Morales, Tina Lorenz, and Mark Hoverson at the first ever Global Summit Conference for TOP Global Resorts sales representative. Mr. Harper spoke to a sold out conference crowd of the top GRN Earners in the home based travel business Internet Marketing industry. His presentation and question and answer session revolved around uncovering the insider methods and tactics utilized by the best Internet Marketing earners to achieving higher ranked page placements and raising the over exposure through natural "organic" search rankings in each members targeted markets.

Mr. Harper’s work experience spans over thirteen years of web technology experience as an Internet Marketing specialist developing marketing strategies and brand awareness campaigns for such large fortune 500 companies such as Pfizer, Wyeth, Merk, Johnson & Johnson, MTV Networks, Weber Grills, and many other highly recognized brands. He has started multiple online automated business systems that currently provide over seventeen streams of monthly residual income since he left from his corporate career.

In September of 2006 Derrick Harper launched yet another Internet Marketing business system that has to date been one of his most successful ventures yet. The venture he dubbed "The Wealth Funnel System" was based on a model of training and educating individuals who struggled to achieve success with online businesses due to failed marketing efforts or lack of training and education in proper Internet Marketing stratigies . He applies his proven industry standard Internet Marketing techniques for generating massive traffic of targeted consumers to individuals businesses and opportunities. His weekly LIVE training sessions and extensive library of "How-to" step-by-step Internet Marketing specialst videos available to his members has become the cornerstone of training systems provided by many of the top-earning mentors as the primary tool for training their personal teams to replicate the success they’ve had.

Mr. Harper launched his acclaimed Wealth Funnel System training and education system in an all-in-one package solution adapted to the powerful perpetual leverage compensation plan provided with the Global Resorts Network home based travel business model in March of 2008. Since the merge of the internet’s most successful and viable home business "Global Resorts Network" and Mr. Harper’s beginner-to-advanced LIVE Internet Marketing education and training system, it has produced a flood of interest by accomplished GRN team leaders as the premier training tool for teaching their members to duplicate sales and in-turn generate more income for the top earners and mentors.

In April of 2008 Global Resorts Network announced that The Wealth Funnel System TWO was an approved and recommended Internet Marketing training and education system for Global Resorts members. If you’re considering joining the Global Resorts Network travel business as the best solution for your own home based Internet Marketing business system, then I highly recommend that you review Mr. Harper’s Global Resorts Network training and education system.