Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Being First in the Search Results is not always the Right Thing

Most webmasters would want to achieve the first ranking of the Google’s displayed results. However, most of them are not that patient in finding the best keywords for optimization. Because of this, the problems with organic search engine optimization as well as pay per click usually arise.

Suppose that a webmaster would want to sell ovens on his or her website, he or she would have an idea of optimizing the website by using the keywords of “furnace” or “oven”. This is a not a good idea to do since keywords that are too obvious to use in search will only cost a lot of money and time without finding the right or exact website.

Losing Money is Possible with Every Keyword

According to a recent study of pay per click, it is that profitable to have the first position in the ranking of search engines for one or two keywords. The positions that can be profitable and with paid results are the ones with short keywords on the fifth and sixth positions. Meanwhile for those keywords that consisted of three words are profitable when the websites on the ranking results are positioned on the second or third ranking.

Reasons Why People Lose Money while Bidding for the First Position

Keywords that may consist of one or two words are basically general. In this way, most of the companies might think that their websites can be relevant to these keywords. Some companies may even bid on the keywords and sometimes become very expensive as well when purchased.

General keywords are also one of the reasons why people can be able to lose money for the first position in ranking results. It is because these keywords do not attract much of its targeted audiences. Searches using the word “oven” would often display results of recipes, industrial ovens and many other related articles.

Keywords are very expensive to purchase. Most of the cheap and short keywords are not the usual targeted used by searchers. With this reason, the advantage return of investment or revenue would be very difficult. It would be best purchase keywords that consist of three or more keywords related to the targeted results. In this way, the competition would be lesser. Some of the best examples of these keywords are “smith oven model xp356” and “buy an oven”. Nevertheless, there are some companies that use multiple keywords but some would prefer buying services or goods instead of purchasing expensive multiple keywords for their websites.

How the keywords do are applied to the results of the organic search engine?

If you don’t have the money to pay for every click on your website, it would take some work and time to be listed on the top 10 results of the organic search engines. You should know that the competition between the one or two keywords is quite higher as compared to the keywords with specific label of words. These keywords can deliver results to targeted visitors of the website. For good return of investment or revenue, it is better to focus on multiple word keywords. Aside from the investment, it is assured that these keywords can deliver much better results of visitors to the websites as well as easy way of getting high rankings

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