Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Google Keyword Tool

A recent update was released by Google last July 7, 2008 on their function as the widely search engine over the Internet. This update concerns about the inclusion of “real” numerical volume data on Google Keyword Tool.

With this update, a lot of people had been happy because finally Google had made a modern breakthrough for the Internet users. Despite this modern breakthrough from Google, there were no further results published on how it works and tested on the actual research of an online user. There was no given numerical visibility on the actual tests of enhanced Google Keyword Tool.

In testing the Google Keyword Tool, the general theory in it is that it can be able to search certain or particular keyword with accuracy and 100% impressive results share. The matches for the entered keyword should be figurative and in monthly basis if possible. However, these tasks can never be that simple for any offered function on keyword tool of most search engines including Google.

According to some people, the Google interface has no way of establishing a particular or certain keyword to have 100% impression share unless the keyword or keywords are placed on its own ad groups. In most cases, an account in Google Keyword Tool may only have one ad group for every one keyword. It is a rare chance that there is a high volume of exact matches for the keywords. Normally, the results are given in handful of terms that are just grouped together accordingly to similarities or common variations.

In testing the Google Keyword Tool, it would be best if the keyword are satisfactory to have the 100% IS and matches that are close enough possible to the total keyword volumes of Google. In general theory, keywords have to fulfill below requirements to be able to match the testing of any keyword tools especially with the Google Keyword Tool:

• Keywords to be used in Google Keyword Tool should not be capitalized since it will affect the display results that are usually referenced with the ad scheduling of Google’s interface. It is important that keywords are active on the search network of Google Keyword Tool.
• Keywords to be used in Google Keyword Tool should have the same language or location settings since the tool cannot distinguish yet on the regional targeting.
• The Google Keyword Tool has limited space of displaying ads on some sites, thus keywords to be used should always be running the first position if possible.
• The Google Keyword Tool filters all results that will match all types, thus keywords need to have the exact match to be able to achieve the IS accuracy of broad match keyword. Negative keywords are inappropriate since it will only add further inaccuracies during the testing of the Google Keyword Tool.

Apparently, not all kinds of keywords can immediately display on top whenever testing is done on Google Keyword Tool. It is because the tough competition would always be there. Other reasons may have something to do with the algorithmic listings and poor positioning of the keywords with the interface of the Google. Some promotions of some specific campaigns can also be reasons for such event. The brand terms of Google Keyword Tool are often low in volume thus the volume levels of the keywords are not achieving the 100% impression shares.

Microsoft Tries to One-up Google Page Rank

Microsoft had been ranking as the third topmost search engine being used over the Internet by most online users. Of course, Google grab the number spot while Yahoo on the second spot. Despite Microsoft’s third position, it still tries to compete with Google when it comes to page ranking over the Internet.

The Google Page Rank is an algorithm that had made Google as the rising search engine on the Internet. It helps assess the importance of every specific web page, the number of web pages link to that certain web page as well as the importance of those web pages that are linked. The academic collaborators and researchers of Microsoft had tried competing with the Google Page Rank by releasing their idea of “Browse Rank”, which is similar to the idea of Google Page Rank. The Browse Rank is said to have more human touch to the assessment of displaying results and linking of web pages.

The Browse Rank of Microsoft is said to rival with the Google Page Rank. According to its researchers, the Browse Rank had been tested out on a system whereas it replaces the link graphs of the Google Page Rank. The link graphs are the Internet’s mathematical representations of hyperlinked connections. These graphs are often called as the browsing graphs that help rank the web pages accordingly to the behavior of the online users.

Compared to Google Page Rank, the Browse Rank of Microsoft can leverage the implicit voting of the millions of users on the importance of web pages. Since the idea of the Browse Rank focuses more on the frequency of visits of the web pages by the online users whereas the longer duration periods spent by the users on particular web page, it is more likely important. This idea was even mentioned my Microsoft researchers on an article entitled “Browse Rank: Letting Web Users Vote for Page Importance” from the SIGIR or Special Interests Group on Information Retrieval conference held in Singapore. The authors who joined the mentioned conference include Shuyuan He of Peking University, Zhiming Ma of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ying Zhang of Nankai University, Hang Li, Tie-Yan Liu, and Bin Gao of Microsoft Research Asia.

The Shortcomings of Google Page Rank

The researchers of Microsoft squabble that Google Page Rank has some number of loop holes. They believed that people can simply play the system by creating fake web sites that are called the link farms. These sites can feature hyper links that point to web pages that makes any person believed that it has the highest importance on the displayed results.

Another loop hole seen by Microsoft researchers on Google Page Rank is the issue of indexing process whereas Google does not take account of the particular sites or web pages being visited by users for a long period of time. Microsoft researchers believed that it is better to monitor the behaviors of the users in anonymous ways by web browser plug-ins and web servers.

Bringing Research to Completion

It is no doubt that Microsoft is trying to rival with the Google Page Rank. Microsoft would want to bring their research to completion and funding large group of researchers to make Browse Rank version a successful one.

Being First in the Search Results is not always the Right Thing

Most webmasters would want to achieve the first ranking of the Google’s displayed results. However, most of them are not that patient in finding the best keywords for optimization. Because of this, the problems with organic search engine optimization as well as pay per click usually arise.

Suppose that a webmaster would want to sell ovens on his or her website, he or she would have an idea of optimizing the website by using the keywords of “furnace” or “oven”. This is a not a good idea to do since keywords that are too obvious to use in search will only cost a lot of money and time without finding the right or exact website.

Losing Money is Possible with Every Keyword

According to a recent study of pay per click, it is that profitable to have the first position in the ranking of search engines for one or two keywords. The positions that can be profitable and with paid results are the ones with short keywords on the fifth and sixth positions. Meanwhile for those keywords that consisted of three words are profitable when the websites on the ranking results are positioned on the second or third ranking.

Reasons Why People Lose Money while Bidding for the First Position

Keywords that may consist of one or two words are basically general. In this way, most of the companies might think that their websites can be relevant to these keywords. Some companies may even bid on the keywords and sometimes become very expensive as well when purchased.

General keywords are also one of the reasons why people can be able to lose money for the first position in ranking results. It is because these keywords do not attract much of its targeted audiences. Searches using the word “oven” would often display results of recipes, industrial ovens and many other related articles.

Keywords are very expensive to purchase. Most of the cheap and short keywords are not the usual targeted used by searchers. With this reason, the advantage return of investment or revenue would be very difficult. It would be best purchase keywords that consist of three or more keywords related to the targeted results. In this way, the competition would be lesser. Some of the best examples of these keywords are “smith oven model xp356” and “buy an oven”. Nevertheless, there are some companies that use multiple keywords but some would prefer buying services or goods instead of purchasing expensive multiple keywords for their websites.

How the keywords do are applied to the results of the organic search engine?

If you don’t have the money to pay for every click on your website, it would take some work and time to be listed on the top 10 results of the organic search engines. You should know that the competition between the one or two keywords is quite higher as compared to the keywords with specific label of words. These keywords can deliver results to targeted visitors of the website. For good return of investment or revenue, it is better to focus on multiple word keywords. Aside from the investment, it is assured that these keywords can deliver much better results of visitors to the websites as well as easy way of getting high rankings