Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Can Your Business Afford SEO Solutions?

Everyone who has a web business knows the importance of having the best SEO ratings available. But how do you go about this, and more importantly, especially if you are a new business, how do you afford these kind of SEO solutions? Having high rankings in Google is pivotal to the success of any online business. But how do you find these SEO solutions and what are they?

First, you need to really understand how important finding SEO solutions are for your website and business. If you think you can afford to find good SEO solutions or that they are too difficult to use, you need to ask yourself if you can afford not to. If you are looking for easy and affordable ways to find your SEO solutions and get the traffic and business you need for your website, here are some ideas:

1. Keep the text hidden on your web pages – If you really want the high rankings, the keyword has to appear on your web pages. In order to not have to change your web pages, hide the keyword text within your web page. There are various devious ways of making this work and completely hiding the keywords.

2. Use the Cloaking method – The cloaking method can offer you SEO solutions that are easy to implement by delivering different pages of your website to the various search engines and allow the visitors to your website to see them. Keep in mind that using the cloaking method is an excellent way to get your content to search engines without having to change it.

3. Reproduce other websites Content – In order to get SEO solutions that work for you, you need to realize that search engines bring the rankings and visibility that your website needs. Try using content from other websites and incorporate it into your web pages, this will bring extra content to your website, without you having to do the work.

4. Purchase Links – Getting links is a fast and easy way to get SEO solutions to work for you. Buying the links is a proven, fast way to get the visits you need to your website.

5. Linking Schemes – Search engines do want websites that offer inbound links. Join one of these networks that can promise and deliver lots of links within a few days that requires little or no work on your part.

Keep in mind, that SEO solutions can be very expensive if you do not use the resources available to you. Remember also that using any of the above methods for your SEO solutions is bound to get you banned from Google, so you need to consider what you can do to provide long-term SEO solutions as well. Using any of the above mentioned methods will only harm you and your website business in the long run. Be smart, and pay the money you need for SEO solutions and consider it an investment in the future success of your business.

How Do You Know How Much is too much With Landing Page Testing?

Most website owners know that your landing page is a very critical part of your search campaign, and the success of your campaign. Knowing the value of optimizing and testing your landing page is no doubt very important to how your website is viewed, the number of visits you receive, and how successful it is on the web.

However, there are many methods of testing that are very complex, expensive and only relevant to sites that experience hundreds of conversions each day. For smaller companies, the volume is not really there to benefit from certain testing methodologies. For other, larger companies with greater conversions, it can be very beneficial.

The theory of testing your landing page can be proven by results that show 40 percent more in conversion rates simply by testing. If you really think about that, you are spending the same for the conversion rates, but you are also spending a lot smarter.

As with many things in life, the more we test something to see if it works, the better our chances of it actually working, and if you first fail, try, try again. Well, that basic theory can extend to testing your landing page. Being able to test your landing page will help you determine and know what works.

There are different testing methods and products available to you. Some higher end tools promote the given ability to be able to test multiple elements on your landing page at the same time. For instance, Google website optimizer enables you to have a different test for each combination you can possibly have. While other products such as the Offermatica reduces the number of tests and arguments you can create. The proponents of being able to have multivariate testing on your landing page say that it is much more beneficial to be able to test multiple things at the same time and can offer insight as to how the different elements interact and how they can overall improve conversion.

Some advice is that you limit your testing variants to ten, if you have a higher volume website that generates over a hundred conversions each day. But, if you are not having that kind of volume, even ten may be too many. So how many tests can your run on your landing page? There is a landing page calculator that allows you to enter how many conversions each page gets a day and it will compute how many versions your page is able to support.

If you have a high volume of conversion rates a day on your web page, you can benefit from the multivariate testing approach for your landing page. Just make sure that your conversion rate for your landing page is adequate enough to justify the testing.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Learn to Protect Your Site By Communicating in the Language of Robots.txt

If you are a website owner, you know the reasoning behind that question. No, we are not talking about physical robots in general, but rather the language of robots. Anyone that is familiar with the famous Google robot – Googlebot, knows how important it can be to be able to understand the language of robots to help protect your website. Not everyone though, is at savvy in the language art of speaking robot.

It can be intimidating to some website owners when thinking they have to learn to effectively use the language, but there are tools available to help the lesser robot savvy communicators. Most of us have probably employed the services of Googlebot to protect sections and parts of our websites that we don’t want invaded. Those that are familiar with using the robots.txt language can simply fire off a file to him and he will always deliver what we need. But if you are unsure of your abilities in the art of speaking robot, there is something that can help you.

There is a new Webmaster tool available that acts as a translator or robot.txt files. It helps you build the file to use, and all you have to do is enter the areas you do not want robots to crawl through. You can also make it very specific blocking only certain types of robots from certain types of files. After you use the generator tool, you can take it for a test drive by using the analysis tool. After you have seen that your test file is ready to go, you can simply save the new file on the root directory on your website and sit back.

When creating and using the robots files, you should consider the following two tips:
1. Robot text files are not always supported on all search engines – Googlebot and some other robots can understand the files, but other robots may not be able to understand the generated files.

2. Keep in mind that robot text files are only a method of asking that your site be protected from robots crawling. You simply generate the file, but to some robots who are not as scrupulous as others, they can choose to ignore the file and get in. Make sure you use the password protection option to protect what files you need blocked.

This can be a great tool for those who are not as confident in their robot language skills, and can create a safe haven for the files on your website you need protected from unsavory robots. It can substantially help you in your quest to protect your website and files within by helping you generate the file in the correct format to the robot. As always, there are options out there if you need further guidance, you can check out the help center for Webmaster tools or seek answers from a help group of Webmasters.