Saturday, June 21, 2008

Are Web Users Really Able to Read and Understand Your Website?

That may seem like a simple question with an even easier answer, but actually it can be complicated. Some website owners think that the more text and the more complicated the text on their website, the better. They may feel that this is a way of showing off how intelligent they are, or how much education they have, but to users they might get frustrated and venture on to a new site.

It is not always best to try to have the most creative of sentences, and wordy descriptions when designing your website. Users like to be able to understand the content of your website and it is necessary that you create your website with that in mind. No matter how outstanding your products or what great deals the potential buyers could be getting, if they cannot read through the verbiage to get there, they will leave.

If you have doubts on how understandable your website really is to web users, consider taking a test suck as the I.B.P. test to calculate how users will be able to understand and read through your text on the website. If your site is found to score high on the easy reading score, that means that you have a website this comprehendible to most users and they will be able to read through it to obtain the information they need. You site can also be measured by a grade-level method of scoring. This relates which grade level your website is at for reading comprehension. For instance, you site may be at a 5th grade reading level and that would indicate that it takes 5 grade years of school to be able to fully understand and read through the content of your website.

If you make it easy not only to read your website, but navigate through it with ease, your net sales can soar and you can make a big difference in how users rate your site. If you have your website designed to be professional looking and professionally written, you can notice an increase in your sales. Don’t let readers get lost in wordy sentence structures or complicated wording. They simply will tire of trying to figure out what you saying, and surf on to another site that they can easily understand and follow.

Using tests such as I.B.P. to help determine how easy it is for users to view and read your website, can make it easier for you to find your target audience and cater to them. If you are selling something that you want to appeal to people of all ages and intelligence levels, make sure your website is not too advanced. Conversely, if you are selling high-end technical gadgets, make sure your site is thorough and professional sounding to the education level of those visiting your site. Making small changes to your website can greatly impact how successful it will be and how often users will return to your website.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Age Is Only But A Number…Unless It Can Affect Your Website Search Engine Rankings

Is it true that the age of you website and other websites have a direct effect on your site rankings and success? According to statistics on major search engines, it has a dramatic effect. Why does it matter how old or young your website is? It seems as though users prefer sites that are more popular and trust-worthy than sites that are younger. This may be because older sites probably are better developed and protected against potential spam than newer sites and people tend to trust sites they view as being more secure. This could allow major search engines to give your site a higher ranking.

This can mean that the links on your website have a big impact on the success and ranking of your website. If you have links to older and more proven websites, there is a good chance that your website will be more successful and rank higher. How do you know what links to use and trust?

There is a new application on the market called “Ranking Domains Using the Domains Maturity” and it shows a direct connection with the maturity of a web page and how it affects your ranking. Basically, the use of this new application seems to indicate that search engines view younger or newer websites to be more likely to contain spam. Part of the reason for this untrusting action of major search engines is because it is easy to get a new domain this days, and a lot of companies are offering free trials to new users. Because of this, there can be bad links and spam rampant on the newer websites.

The new application also makes it possible for search engines to assign a value to a specific domain based on its age. This could have a huge effect on the overall ranking of websites and their listings on search engines. Of course, age is not everything. There are many other factors that can be used to determine what rankings your website can plan to achieve. The new application takes dozens of factors into consideration and will analyze your website to help determine how search engines may choose to rank it.

If you are not sure how the age of your website affects your search engine ranking, this application may be able to help you discover not only how your website affects the ranking but also how the individual links on your website can affect the results. You may have an older, more mature website, but if you have links on your website that are newer or contain spam, you overall search ranking could be lower because of it. It is important for you to know not only how your website ranks but also how the links on it may be affecting your success. Make sure you know the links on your web pages are secure and not containing any spam that could negatively affect your listings.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Content creation a vital aspect of SEO.

Content creation for web is very much different from that created for print media. It should be crafted in such a style that in the first look itself it should have the ability to attract the attention of the viewers. Actually, a relevant content in the web pages is very much crucial for getting your message across. A well-written content has the strength to enhance your potential customer and sell your product to the highest level. When the content of the web page is carefully structured and optimized for the keyword phrases, search engine gives greater priority to such content in assigning rank.

Whether you need to update your product database, press release, daily news release or simply you have a large number of content that you need to update on the regular basis, our content creation service would help you to perform all these task successfully. It will help you to create relevant content for your site after knowing exactly what your site is all about and what the target it wants to achieve is.

Out content management solution, would be very advantageous for you. If you could not create a relevant content for your site though you have the idea and keywords or phrases for it, we are here to help you in all possible way. The content created by us is very much secure and browser based so that it can allow any non-technical member of your organization to update key ever-changing areas of your website. This feature then integrated into your existing web site, after which you are provided with log in and password that is for your own use and linked only to your site.

Our content creation service is very cost effective. You can maintain your site with minimal staff training. Using our content management solution, you can update your site from any where in the world just through the access to a standard web browser. Our content management solution allows multiple people in your organization to create and up date web pages with defined areas of responsibility within the site.

If you are interested in our content management solution, we are here to evaluate your need and recommend a wise solution for your business.