Friday, March 21, 2008

Online Marketing the way business is done

What Is Marketing?

Many of us believe that selling and marketing is one and the same thing. The truth is that these two arts are totally different and separated from each other by many fundamental principles. For a start, selling is the art of getting returns from a product directly given to the consumer, or the next person in the supply chain. It is usually important that at the conclusion of a sale, the salesman walks away with money. Marketing on the other hand is getting the population to know what the product is, what it does, and its usefulness in daily life. As a strategic growth plan, marketing seeks to create a need in the population and find leads that will eventually lead to sales.

Is there anything different with Internet Marketing?

Of late, many companies have taken on internet marketing as a global reach mechanism. Marketing over the internet seems like an intricate thing but it is not. The very same fundamentals of marketing act unilaterally on both the common and internet platforms. The very fact that it is a quest for numbers requires that the same strategies are applied. First, there is always the target market.

The target market must be studied quite well. By studying the market one is well away of market behavior, and ways of getting to know the market preference, and purchasing trends. There is also the seclusion of information that has not yet gotten to the public domain about the product and the company. This is what will be termed as a niche for the company. This niche will be important in caking out the market potion. Internet marketing therefore is developed to reach a wide range of clientele by giving information that will hopefully help create a need for company products and services while at the same time this information is geared towards making new contacts as referrals for future sales.

How Does Internet Marketing Help Then?

Internet marketing as a powerful tool in the development of company growth strategy; Growth for any internet based company would not be complete without a concrete Internet marketing plan. The mailing lists and contact generation schemes should be upgraded and developed on continuous basis in order that the company may maintain a high flow of new prospects on daily basis. The law of numbers still works as the more people the company endeavors to see, the better the chances they create on getting new business. Internet marketing as a tool should be able to earn a company better business and create continuity for the company products and services.

Many companies that have chosen to use internet marketing as a key marketing strategy have also chosen to delve into a market that has a vast array of clientele with very many different behaviors. To this end, these companies must choose to comply with the existing marketing norms and requirements for their companies to succeed in business. It will be sad to have your mail marked ‘spam’ after creating such catchy lines and putting your creative team through a harrowing time trying to find the catch words for invitation to treat. The power of packaging is important in that you must make your banners, emails and pop ups stand out from the rest. Keep to the market needs, and keep the needs clear, concise and informative. After all, information is the source of need, if your company can fill that need, Go for it!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Irish Internet Marketing Company goes from strenght to strenght.

Irish Internet Marketing Business, (Ace Internet marketing) has secure a contract to promote one of the worlds largest travel network organisations online.

This will involve an ongoing service in the area internet marketing to promote the Global services of the network and its members who are located in 18 different countries worldwide.

This news comes shortly after Ace recently secured a contract to redevelop and promote the Qualceram Shires group of websites as well some other major international cleints who projects have yet to be announced.

Search Engine Promotional Campaigns

To do business on the internet, you have to have some form of web site to be able to do business at all. This is vital to success of any internet business, no matter what it is or does. And promotion is the best way of being able to find customers and have them find you out of all the web sites that are currently on the internet. You need to be able to stand out in the crowd and stand out. This is imperative to your success as a business owner on the internet.

So you need to be able to promote your web site to the max to maximize your business. How do you do that, you ask? You start out by writing search engine optimized ads for your business and have them listed on as many search engines as you can afford to. Next, you will need to get a mailing list of both email addresses and physical addresses so that you can not only use email, but a physical postcard to announce your business that is on the internet. When you are finished with that, then your web site will have some promotional features that will help you promote your web site and attract business.

To get the best financial return on your web site investment, you need to be sure that your customers can find you through the standard search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. This means you need to implement a website promotion campaign.

There are two key elements to web site promotion:

1. Optimize your web site for the search engines, and

2. Build your web sites Page Rank value by generating inbound links for your site

A third element could be using "pay-per-click" online advertising through vehicles like Google Adwords or Yahoo Search.

There is a lot that goes into web site promotion. This includes everything from web design to sales copy to graphics to sound. The list just goes on and on. This type of promotion has to be thought out carefully and planned out just as carefully. Careful planning and preparation will yield maximum results for your particular type of internet business. It also may be advisable to consult with someone who knows the business of web site promotion, so that nothing is left out of the entire package.